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A word or two, about Juxta Prosa

For the last few months—no, actually for as long as I remember, I’ve been really fascinated by the linguistic study, from the technical sentence structure construction to phonetics, the grammar rules, and words relationships, really fascinating!


I’ve been mixing my personal linguistic exploration practice with my main blog at, and therefore there are no separations for what my personal blog represents. Which supposedly should only contains technical explorations regarding computer-thingy.

That’s why I created! To dedicate it as my learning medium, to track how far my progresses are, to reflect back in case I write something slightly good hehe.

Why the name Juxta Prosa?

The name Juxta Prosa is based on 2 different words, which is Juxtaposition and Prose, Juxtaposition by definition meaning “the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect” whereas Prose means “written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure”.

And I think both of those ideas are really great and quite beautiful, so I choose those and create my own definition for that combined word:

Jux·ta·pro·sa / jəkstə prōzə /

noun.  A literary alchemy that weaves disparate elements into eloquent prose, illuminating contrasts through artful simplicity; a tapestry of words where opposing ideas dance in proximity, their interplay revealing deeper truths within the fabric of unadorned language.

Prosa is a direct Bahasa Indonesia translation for a word Prose, if you are wondering why prosa instead of prose.


So… uhmm, yeah! I hope this will encourage me to advance more, I guess. And also it feel and look awkward to end this post with quite short paragraph after a heading, so I just gonna write some gibberish here I guess, to make it quite a little bit longer, I think this is enough tho.

See yah!